Greta du Velay (France)
The Greta du Velay is a public training organisation, under the wing of Lycée C. et A. Dupuy and gathering 21 educational institutions from the Ministry of Education (15 secondary schools, 6 high schools and colleges). Certified ISO 9001 since 1998, it exists since 1974. It employs 4 training advisers and 40 trainers, welcoming 2000-2500 learners. It is active in the Velay, in the South of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. Among the different courses provided to prepare qualified workers for companies, the Greta du Velay prepare inmates in the local detention center to become cook and to obtain the corresponding certificate of professional competence, that is the reference national diploma in this sector. It has the project, in collaboration with the prison authorities to enlarge the training offer towards the construction sector.
Contact: Pierre L. Carrolaggi
CIRE, Centre d’Iniciatives per a la Reinserció (Spain)
CIRE is a public body that depends on the Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It manages the socio-labour reintegration of inmates and offers them professional training and paid productive work in prisons and support in the search for a job in the last stage of the sentence. The main goal of CIRE is to give a second chance to people serving a sentence. CIRE trains more than 3,000 inmates in the trade that currently have the highest demand in the labour market. Vocational training has a threefold objective to:
• Develop the employability of people serving a sentence.
• Increase the qualification, skills, and professional profiles of inmates.
• Accredit professional training and basic and specific training to have added value in the Catalan market.
CIRE provides work to inmates of prisons and educational centres in Catalonia in its 70 workshops (carpentry, printing, handling, and assembly workshops, clothing, or locksmithing) with 150 companies. In addition to conventional production workshops, CIRE has created a new way to occupy inmates in services highly demanded by the labour market and also other essential jobs for the proper functioning of prisons such as the kitchen, laundry, shop, and ancillary services. Inmates on probation have the opportunity to work outside the prison in highly sought trades in the labour market (plumbing, painting, electricity, cleaning of public and private spaces or fire prevention in forest areas, among others ), held by a specific Service of CIRE.
The Inclusion Department is the last step in the CIRE policy reintegration process; it is aimed at people about to serve their sentences: a global follow-up of the active search for job offers to multiply the possibilities of reintegration. Inclusion Department Team offers advice throughout the process of an active search for job offers, tailored training, legal immigration advice, therefore, employability skills according to the needs of the market. Thus, inmates acquire work habits and professional skills, as well as training in trades in high demand in the labour market.
Contact: M. Carme Margarit i Vallès
Innovative Prison Systems – IPS (Portugal)
From Portugal, Innovative Prison Systems – IPS, is a specialised justice consultancy firm with a decade of expertise in policy advisory, strategic consulting, training, e-learning consultancy, and development of information technologies for probation and correctional systems. IPS develops integrated projects, supporting change management in complex organizations. Besides having a vast experience in developing EU-funded projects, IPS is specialised in prison and probation innovation and capacity building approaches in prison and probation contexts. Together with the International Prisons and Corrections Association (associated partner), IPS will also be responsible for the dissemination of the project, offering a wide range of knowledge exchange opportunities allowing to compare, acknowledge and adopt practices and innovation from a country to another.
Contact: Tiago Leitao
SQLearn (Greece)
SQLearn was founded in 2006 and is the most dynamically developing Greek company with exclusive expertise in the provision of e-learning services. The suite of SQLearn’s services can address the needs of a wide range of businesses and organizations, both in Greece and abroad, offering the most reliable solutions for e-learning, namely:
• Training needs assessment
• Educational planning in accordance with modern pedagogical approaches on e-learning
• Learning Management Systems (LMS) development
• E-learning courses development including webinars, scenario-based courses and software simulations
• 3D animations and Virtual Reality (VR) for e-learning
• Serious Games development
• Custom plugins development to enhance e-learning courses and/or LMS
• Evaluation of online education programs
• Training and technical support for managers and trainers
SQLearn’s long-standing partnerships with numerous companies in the fields of finance, maritime/shipping, health, energy and many other large private, public companies and non-profit organizations, is the proof of the quality and effectiveness of its services.
SQLearn has a significant experience in various projects co-funded by the European Commission and national funds as coordinator or technical expert such as Erasmus+ and PA 2014-2020.
Contact: Maria Zisiadou